Meta announced a significant update to its Messenger platform, unveiling new features aimed at improving the quality and functionality of video and audio calls. Among the additions are AI-generated backgrounds for video calls, HD video calling, noise suppression, and hands-free messaging capabilities through Siri. The updates respond to growing user demand for enhanced digital communication tools.

AI Backgrounds Enhance Video Calls

Meta is introducing AI-generated backgrounds to Messenger video calls, expanding its personalization options beyond the chat themes announced earlier this year. The new feature will allow users to apply unique, AI-created visuals as backgrounds during video calls.

To activate AI backgrounds, users can tap the effects icon in the call sidebar and select “Backgrounds.” Meta describes the addition as a way to reflect mood or inject creativity into virtual interactions.

Improved Call Quality with HD Video and Noise Suppression

Addressing user demand for higher-quality calls, Messenger is rolling out HD video calling capabilities and advanced noise suppression. By default, HD video will be enabled for calls made over WiFi. Users on cellular networks can activate HD video through the “Mobile data for HD video” option in call settings.

The new noise suppression and voice isolation features are designed to minimize background noise and ensure clearer audio during calls. Both tools are accessible via Messenger’s call settings.

Meta emphasized that these enhancements are part of an effort to make digital communication more immersive, creating a near face-to-face experience for users.

Audio and Video Voice Messaging Introduced

In a move to broaden Messenger’s functionality, Meta has added audio and video voice messaging. Users can now leave recorded messages for unanswered calls, ensuring communication continuity even when the recipient is unavailable.

To leave a message, users can tap the “Record message” button during an unanswered call. The feature is available for both audio and video calls.

Hands-Free Features Powered by Siri

Meta is integrating Siri into Messenger, allowing users to send messages or initiate calls using voice commands. This hands-free functionality provides a practical solution for situations where users cannot physically handle their devices.

Commands such as “Hey Siri, send a message to [contact name] on Messenger” enable users to dictate messages or place calls entirely through voice control.

Image: Messenger

This article, “Meta Introduces AI Backgrounds, HD Video Calls, and More for Messenger” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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