A new fast train goes from Paris to Bordeaux in just over two hours, bringing France’s wine country even closer

As I crossed the hot, crowded concourse of Gare Montparnasse, Paris, I walked past a jazz band blasting out Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). Approaching the ticket barrier, I was alarmed to see that the musicians had fallen into step behind me while still playing. They were not serenading me, however, but my train. This was the day the high-speed service from Paris to Bordeaux became even faster: just over two hours rather than three and a quarter. If you’re travelling from London, the small adventure of the change in Paris is involved, transferring from a Eurostar to a TGV train, so it takes five hours and 50 minutes.

The trains to Bordeaux are either the new Duplex – or double-decker – ones or older, single-deck. Both would shame any British train.

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Source: Gaurdian

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